Babel development

We will define here some guide lines used during the development of Babel.


Babel is build using Apache Maven (even if a Sbt configuration is synchronized with).

Source Code

The Code is reformatted while compiling the sources using sbt (which uses scalariform) To reformat the code:

sbt test-compile


In the Babel modules implemented using Scala, Specs2 is the used testing framework.

Test coverage reports are generated using scoverage through the sbt build configuration following:

sbt scoverage:test
#browse test reports in modules target directory (target/classes/coverage-report)


With Maven

Snapshots are deployed using the Maven build configuration as following:

mvn -Parchetype deploy

With Sbt

Snapshots are deployed using the Sbt build configuration as following:

sbt publish-local

Maven archetype won’t be installed using this command.


Releases are done using the Sbt/Maven build configuration (coming soon)